Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Collateral Damage

I find myself tired of being collateral damage. Damaged by an institution which claims glory rather than expresses humility. I'm tired of feeling as though I'm being corralled by a hired hands who choose to use a heavy rod on the sheep of the King's flock, Rather than feeling the ointment of love and wisdom which pours forth like oil from the shepherds of his field.

I tire in a place of knowing that I'm called to be a part of the Lord's flock, but I find in the waning grasps that the Rope is ending. A rope which offers two solutions. This rope could be used to fully hang this sheep in a manner that allows it to be gutted and cleaned. Leaving nothing that desires or resembles life. The other solution appears to be to let go completely of that rope and fall into the abyss of what is unknown. All though it appears unknown, it is not unknowable. Though light it seems dark due to intensity of what rises from below.

So, I'll Let Bernard finish.

Write what you will, I shall not relish it unless it tells of Jesus. Talk or argue about what you will, I shall not relish it if you exclude the name of Jesus. Jesus to me is honey in the mouth, music in the ear, a song in the heart.

beyond broken

Sunday, August 07, 2005

The Kingdom of God is within you.

In meditating on these two verses I find myself asking, why? Why do we seek externally that which is within us?

Now when He was asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He answered them and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here!’ or ‘See there!’ For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you.” Luke 17:20-21 NKJ

In some versions it says "The kingdom of God is not coming with signs to be observed" but yet we toil and grope for those signs which are externally tangible. What effort does it take to turn within? I'm finding, it takes much more to pursue those feelings and experiences we desire with the Lord, in the lateral fashion of going out into the world to find that one place to serve, to read or to be known. Rather than turning within where we are and seeking to know and be know by the Lord.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Table Before my Enemy

You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;

I often ask why? Why bring my enemy before me? Why must I suffer at their hand once again? Is it because they don't know they are my enemy? Or they don't suspect that I consider them an enemy?

Frustration, bewilderment, tired of it all. I find the occurances to be more and more against the grain of what I want to do, but yet I know that is not the purpose for this life. Maybe I will know in this life what your purpose is, maybe not! But as long as you prepare the table I will sit at it no matter the superficiality and damage that it cause me and my family!

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Grace and Truth Realized

This verse struck me as I read through the first chapter of John. John 1:17 The law was given through Moses. Choosing a few of Webster's explanations given eludes to the idea of a gift or possibly to designate as a share or portion or possibly just the simplistic delivery of an object by some bodily action. This one "to cause a person to catch by contagion, infection, or exposure"
draws an interesting parallel to Romans 3:20; Romans 5:13;

But what struck me more than the given portion of the verse was the realized. Webster puts it as:

Pronunciation: 'rE-&-"lIz, 'ri-&-
Function: transitive verb

1 a : to bring into concrete existence : ACCOMPLISH b : to cause to seem real : make appear real <a book in which the characters are carefully realized>
2 a : to convert into actual money <realized assets> b : to bring or get by sale, investment, or effort : GAIN
3 : to conceive vividly as real : be fully aware of <did not realize the risk she was taking>

Let's play with that a bit. Grace and Truth were brought into concrete existance through Christ. Grace and Truth were brought by the efforts of Christ. This one is purely my emphasis, Through the efforts of Christ, Grace and Truth were brought to the full awareness of mankind.

The one thing that keeps jumping out at me is this idea of being brought into concrete existance, made fully aware and vividly real. Using webster's definition of relaized, It's almost possible to accept the idea that Grace and Truth existed prior to Christ but were not fully understood.

However, once we dive back into the greek we find a different scenario. The original word is Ginomai. This word is more direct in what it means. It's more of a coming into existance, beginning, to be made, to become. It's amazing how one word given a few thousand years of translation can move so far from what was originally intended.

So, once again let's play with it. Grace and Truth came into existance through Jesus Christ. Grace and Truth began with Jesus Christ. The becoming of Grace and Truth was through Jesus Christ.

I like words!

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Listen, who is that coming up out of the wilderness?

The excessive multiplication of vocal prayers (even aside from times of mental prayer) can likewise impede growth. There are people who get into a set habit of adding litany upon litany, devotion upon devotion, to the point where they leave little or no time for God to give what he wants to give. They do not understand contemplation, and they think that unless they are vocalizing, they are not praying.
-Thomas Dubay

Ever since I began my Journey with Jesus Christ I have been curious and at time discouraged by corporate prayer. In my journey, prayer has become more like an inner conversation that is sometimes full of words, sometimes dull and sometimes even bringing forth those "awkward" silences. Over the past few years those awkwards silences have grown into a deep heartbeat. A heartbeat that needs no words. A heartbeat that needs no lively chatter. A heartbeat that enjoys just being still and knowing that I am one with God. Knowing that he is my maker, my father, my lover and my friend.

I picked up a book by Thomas Dubay called "Fire Within". It's a book which takes the writings of St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross and expounds, clarifies and encourages the everyday follower of The Way to embrace the contemplative journey that these two Saints of the church so gracefully did in their day.

I came across the quote above in a section where Thomas is talking of the 4th mansion which is where the infused prayer begins to happen. The mansions are a Teresian concept and from my first reading they appear to be concentric circles each stepping deeper into the heart where the trinitarian God dwells within us.

I don't ever want to hurt someone by making mention of prayer styles, but since the web allows some anonymity to you the reader, I will mention some things I have observed which I think fall into the pratice of what Teresa is bringing out in this quote. No stones, just love!

It has happened almost consistantly that when I go to a meeting where prayer is the topic, we will give forth our supplication and even mention that we are gathered to hear from the Lord. People will start off with structured, Opening, Body and closing style prayers. Some will repeat statements such as Father God and Lord over and over almost as if to replace the typical "um" which so often appears in public speeches of those who are not seasoned speakers. Topics will be repeated, statements will be thrown about with what appears to be lack of conviction, but who am I too judge!

I sometimes feel prompted to speak scripture and will do so but mostly I feel led to silence. Not an apathetic or passive silence, but a silence which is active. Actively listening both to my brothers and sisters and the Lord for guidance and possibly insight into the requests that are being made.

these times of prayer will go on for about 15 minutes and then it gets quiet. Knees start to bounce (Yes I know they do because I often don't close my eyes in prayer), those who don't like to pray aloud start to fear that they need too since everyone else has, others may bring forth that request that wasn't mentioned so that we don't forget anything. There is a moment just after this restlessness where the tension subsides. I find at that moment when the silence becomes less tense I start to engage my heart and begin to recognize the beauty of the Lord. I begin to notice his embrace. I hear his voice, not always in words but definately in presence. then out of the silence come the "person" who was asked to close the prayer time out, which is way to soon for I am just beginning to enjoy our time with the Lord. Quickly I am quenched and the time ends.

There is a part of me that wants to shout out, "NO! just wait, be patient! Listen! Our creator is coming up out of the wilderness bringing forth his Grace and Love!". But I don't because I always feel that I will make someone uncomfortable and possibly cause a major distraction. So I remain silent, most of the times laying on the floor with my eyes closed. Hoping, wanting that touch!

But anyways, I feel like that just at the moment we are getting to the point of being still and being in a place of receiving we stop short, as george castanza's father would say, and miss what it is the bridegroom is bringing to us in that moment.

I've come to a realization that Solitude and Contemplation are life lines for us on this journey. They bring us the sweet touch and kiss of the Lord as well as produce the following items which Teresa so gracefully spells out:

  • Begin to loose the craving for worldly things...

  • God gives a strong desire to grow in prayer and the resolve not to abandon it no matter what trials may arise...

  • all servile fear disappears...

  • one's love for God has much less self-interest...

  • a need for prayerful solitude makes itself felt...

  • a dilation or inner freedom of soul brings about less constraint in serving God...

  • an oppressive fear of hell disappears, and a firm confidence of eventual fruition of the Lord takes place...

  • a more lively faith begets a desire for penance and a dimunition of fear of suffering...

  • So I find my perplexed journey in this blessing, not to be in vain, but as a predestined perplexity which would bring forth a better understanding of what the Lord desires for us. My hope is that I can help others escape into the beauty of the Lord. Draw them out of the christian rat race, which has been so much influenced by the regular rat race and, by being the voice in the wilderness calling them to come and join me at the feet of Jesus!

    Only one thing is necessary - Jesus

    Wednesday, May 18, 2005

    True Love is Content

    True love is content. It has its reward in what it loves. For if you seem to love something, but really love it for the sake of something else, you actually love what you are pursuing as your real end, not that which is a means to it. (Bernard of Clairvaux)

    In pursuits which are based in love the true end is that which you are pursuing. Since there are a multitude of things we can and do pursue we must question why we pursue them. If our pursuits are of money, to what end do you pursue it? greed? love? or is it facilitation of other pursuits? If our pursuits are of others, why are we pursuing them? Is it love? or does it fill a need?

    If our pursuit is of God, is it because of Love? or do we want something? Do you pursue God because he is or do you pursue him because he has the ability to give you something you want?

    Contemplate what it means to minister to the Lord. Seek to love him because he is and not becaue of what he has done or will do for you.

    Tuesday, May 17, 2005

    ::: monastic future :::

    I find the post linked below to be very interesting. It will be fun to see where this community journeys in the future with the vision they have.

    The overall plan is the following: To buy land, between 30 and 100 acres, not more than 20 minutes from Lexington, on which to live, not only me and my family (who would be buying the land to be clear), but with others as well, in an intentional rural monastic community. The word "monastic" might mean something to some of you and nothing to others - depends on your familiarity I guess. Some of the pictures you have will match what we're going to do and some will not. This life we will have will be a rural, contemplative life but not a separated life. I mean that we intend to live fairly close to the town we've lived in for the last 14 years and to interact with it on a regular basis. We want this "branch" of Vine & Branches Christian Community to be a primarily quiet and contemplative one with a real, living connection to the rest of the Community in Lexington.

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